Yes, but you must provide a letter that indicates your tax status and your federal tax ID number.
The Foundation prefers to make grants on an annual basis.
It is important to follow the Foundation guidelines and adhere to the maximum and minimum request amounts that are specified.
No. The Foundation has set the maximum request amount for our spring grant program at $10,000. If you request more than this amount the application will be considered ineligible for full consideration and declined.
Yes, the character count includes all spaces, punctuation and letters. Anything that moves your cursor counts as a character.
- All applications that are viable (meaning they are eligible to apply for funding) are read by the Founders.
- The Founders will make a first round of cuts.
- Foundation staff will contact you 4-6 weeks after the grant deadline to let you know how your application is progressing. If your project has been declined support you will know at this time.
- If your application makes it past the first round of review it means that it will now be evaluated by the full grants committee. Foundation staff will either call or email to inform you about the status of your application, discuss "next steps" and notify you of the exact date that the Trustees are making final grant decisions.
- As part of this second phase of evaluation we may ask to conduct a site visit or invite you to present your project at program review.
When in the Grant Management System either working on the application or if you have submitted it, click on "Application Packet" at the top of your screen. This will allow you to see exactly what your completed application will look like. You will have the choice to either view it or print a hard copy for your records at anytime.
When in the Grant Management System, select the red X located to the right of the uploaded document. This will delete the item allowing you to correct the original and then re-upload to the grant management site. Click "Save As A Draft" after each upload.
You should save your work often to prevent data loss. If you make corrections be sure to click “save as a draft” to ensure the most current changes are saved.
If you do not have documents electronically, such as your tax-determination letter from the IRS, use the Fax to File feature. Fax to File is located in the Grant Management System. Once you have logged on, using your username and password, look on the top toolbar for the Fax to File link. Simply follow the directions to fax a document and save it to your personal computer. Once you have the document on your hard drive, upload it as an attachment to any application or email. Fax to File is a free service that we provide to applicants.
- Your name
- Your mailing address including city, state and zip
- Your phone number
- Your email address
- Organization's legal name
- Tax ID number
- Name of organization executive director and email address
- Organization's mailing address including city, state and zip
- Organization's phone number
No, your account will contain copies of your in-progress and submitted applications, which you can access at any time.
- Project budget
- Board of Directors list
- Tax determination letter
- Agency budget
- Balance sheet and profit/loss statement from your last fiscal year
If you have not used the system before you will need to “Create a New Account”. Use your email address and the password is whatever you want it to be.
Note: If you work or volunteer with several organizations as a grant writer please call our office for assistance, as the system will only let you register an email address once.